星期一, 4月 14, 2014


香港藉劍道人20143月造訪 無外流明思派 東京吹毛会本部道場 宗家,問有下面一條關於居合的問題和回答,

Q: Finally, I have a question about the iaijutsu. Why iaijutsu is practicing in a sitting or low posture? Because in the ancient time, when a samura entering a house, he should put off his long sword from his wrist, he shouldn’t wear his kanata inside the house or when sitting on the tatami. So, in a situation when he had to draw his long sword, he shouln’t draw his sword from his wrist, put picked up his sword from the floor. 

( : 最後有一問題關於居合術,為何居合術的招式以坐技和低馬練習? 因為在古代,當侍(武士)進入屋,必須從腰間將長刀抽出,室內不可能腰間插刀或腰配武士刀坐在疊疊米上,所以一旦要動長刀,只消取放在地上的武士刀,沒有可能從腰間拔刀。

A: Yes, you are right. But iaijutsu itself is used to practice the swordsmanship with restrictions, when you are standing up, you are free to move elsewhere, but in a kneeing position, there are restrictions of movement, Muigai Ryu has 20 iaijutsu kata, of which 10 kata are in kneeing position, 10 kata are in standing.

(: 你沒有說錯。其實居合術是一種劍術上給予習者的制約訓練,因為當在膝蓋跪坐時動作便不及站立時那般活動自由。無外流有20式居合術形,10式坐技,10式立技。


